Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Have you being...

  • Crying yourself to sleep because you can’t stop thinking about your break up?
  • Feeling helpless because your partner won’t talk or listen to you when you mention getting back together?
  • Feeling CONFUSED and SHOCKED by the break up because you can’t figure out WHY your ex left in the first place?
  • Searching endlessly for a soluton on exactly what to do, say or act to make your lover want you back again?
  • Feel your situation is UNIQUE and you can't seem to find the answer you need anywhere?
  • Fear it's too late because you've made all the classic mistakes already?

I know EXACTLY how you feel. I struggled when I became SUDDENLY SINGLE after 1 years in a relationship. I remember I spent the first few weeks crying, going through the break up over and over; trying to construct ways I could get the relationship back and constantly questioning WHY and HOW this could have happened.

Girl, were those times hard! I didn't know what I was going to do and barely cared about anything anymore. Have you felt the same?

If you...

  • Just had your heart broken and don't know what happened.
  • Broke up with your Ex and then regretted it.
  • Still in love with your Ex.
  • Still in love with your Ex who is with someone else!
  • And want a STEP-by-STEP PROVEN system to get your ex lover back...

Then, be sure to read every word of this page because the secret to getting back together with your ex is hidden in this article. First...

I must warn you now...

There are

7 Deadly Mistakes That’s Killing Your Chances... Are You Making These Right Now?

Are you making these mistakes?

  • Calling your partner constantly after the break up.
  • Saying “I Love you” over and over and how much you can’t live without them.
  • Trying to convince them that you’ll change and everything will be different this time.
  • Begging and crying, acting out of desperation in the hopes that they will feel “sorry” for you and take you back.
  • Trying to use reason and logic to get them to come back.
  • Resorting to arguing, blaming and guilt trips when all else hasn’t worked.
  • Doing absolutely nothing because you’re afraid to make things worse.

Let me be BRUTALLY honest here... If you want your ex to be REPULSED by you... if you want the fastest way to push them into the arms of someone younger and better looking... if you want to DRIVE AWAY any love your ex has for you, then I'd say "go ahead", making any of these mistakes will lead you down that road.

But if that's NOT what you want, you CAN stop your break up & REVERSE the situation TODAY. Let me show you exactly what to do that will eliminate any desire to make these mistakes ever again! But first...

Imagine for a moment...

Your Ex showing up at your door or calling you out of the blue just BEGGING to get back in a relationship with you. They're so emotional they can barely speak!

OR you can literally REVERSE TIME and regain instantly that PASSION, LOVE and CONNECTION you felt for one another in the beginning of the relationship... now it'll be like you can't get ENOUGH of each other again!

OR you waking up each morning with your lover by your side and see that look in their eyes when they look at you, completely full of love and desire. They're heart belong to you and ONLY YOU!

Now, let me tell you, that is NOT just a dream or fantasy.

I'm excited to say you're about to have your problems VANISH as if into thin air... all your questions answered within the next 30 minutes to an hour!

As you read more of this article, you'll learn the secret on how to get your ex boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse back using unstoppable tactics.

Now, I want you to listen to this simple concept.

"In order to GET what you want... you must be READY for it first."

When people get a wish they're NOT ready for... they lose it. But you don't want to your ex back only to lose him or her again.

80% or more of couples who reunite after a break up, BREAK UP again within the first 1 - 3 months. What happened? Couples RUSH back into a relationship, only to find all the old problems present.

Let this be a warning to you because many "get your ex back" deal with "quick fix" solutions that don't last! Not only that, these so-called "quick fixes" end up doing EXTRA DAMAGE to your relationship that has LONG TERM consequences!

Keep reading because I'm about to reveal exactly what you SHOULD do...

The Stone-Cold truth:
This is How Long It REALLY Takes to Get Your Ex Back...

How LONG it will take to get an ex back depends on 4 factors:

  1. Why the relationship ended.
  2. The severity of the break up.
  3. The interaction/communication with your ex post break up.
  4. How your ex feels about you now.

If you haven't got your ex back right now, it's because:

  1. You don't know the REAL reason why the relationship ended.
  2. You have NO communication or none of the RIGHT communications with your ex.
  3. You have NO clue how your ex really feels about you.

People who successfully get an ex back only to break up again shortly after:

  • Don't know the REAL reasons for the break up.
  • Don't know how to FIX those problems in the relationship.
  • Don't know how to STOP problems from starting in the first place.

I can tell you that the relationship you have or don't have is directly related to your INNER beliefs about relationships. Much of winning back a lost love has to do with re-establishing your POWER in the relationship. People tend to pull away from those who are perceived as weak and inconsistent, they gravitate towards STRENGTH and STABILITY.

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