Thursday, April 1, 2010

Are you going through an emotional roller coaster?

You meet a great guy. You start dating and your relationship goes well over the first few weeks or months. You're convinced he's definitely into you -- maybe even in love with you. Suddenly, just when you start thinking he's Mr. Right, he loses interest in you and begins to pull away.

You panic -- and you start asking yourself, "What happened?"

Then comes the inevitable question ..

"Where did I go wrong?"

You spend all your time replaying in your mind over and over what happened during your last conversation or encounter with him, looking for clues as to what might have led to your breakup. What should you have done or said -- and what should you not have done or said? You say to yourself, "If only I could understand why he left me, I could fix it."

Then, when you can't find anything you did wrong, you begin to wonder, 'What's wrong with him?'
Maybe he's got a drug problem, maybe he met someone else, maybe he's got intimacy issues, maybe he's gay, and so on ... ad nauseum.

Sound familiar?

Then, you do what most women do ... consult with your girlfriends (or your sister, cousin or Mom) and together, you speculate for hours why he suddenly seems indifferent and distant. You devise all kinds of ploys to put yourself in his path or to get him to call you -- but nothing works.

Then, you're faced with the agonizing decision ... do you go on hopelessly wishing he'll come back to you, while feeling hurt and broken-hearted -- or just forget about him and chalk him up as "the man who got away?"

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