Monday, November 30, 2009

No relationship is conflict free...
The end of a relationship is always tough to handle, but tougher still is to be the one to go through the process that is known as getting dumped. :(

There are numerous reasons for a relationship to end. However, all the reasons in the world won’t help to show me how to get through the pain of getting dumped.
Maybe some of you have never been dumped, the chances are you will be.
But have no fear, it is all a part of love and life. Not all relationships are healthy.
Mine is really an unhealthy relationship. FUCKED UP!!!
Unhealthy relationships can leave me feeling uncomfortable, sad and afraid.

I find ways to move on, of getting over being dumped and on with my life. After being broken up with, there are several emotions that I feel, especially these three of the main emotions that are usually felt by me, who is on the receiving end of a break up are anger, sadness, and self-doubt.

Anger might possibly be the swiftest most readily available emotion that someone will react to when they are being broken up with. Arghhhh!!!!!!! Grrrr.... >:O

I also feel as if something I have nurtured has died. :'(

Some say "love is blind" but it doesn't have to be!

PS:"Just because someone loves you doesn't mean that they are also good for you."

Alright, maybe the problem is come from myself. *sigh!
I am not an understanding person.

So to understanding love?

It isn't easy!!!!!!!!!

Every relationship is different and will have its own dynamics and healthy relationships are based on equality in decision making and respect for one another.

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