Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Unperfect Me! :(

I'm extremely self-conscious about my legs, because I've got the broad choppy legs of an athletic boy and full of scars. To start with, I'm currently living in Singapore and everywhere I go, I see girls wearing those "oh-so-in" short pants and I just can't help but feel how I wish that I can wear those pants as well. It's stylish, I'll admit that. I seldom wear short pants and it just makes me feel worse because as a child, my relatives would often complement me on my legs. But nobody ever told me that it'll scar whenever we scratch, so now it's become a bad habit of mine to scratch subconsciously every time I get bitten by mosquitoes. Now my scars are filled with black spots and I have hundreds of polka-dots on my legs. They're from scratching, shaving, cuts...everything! Also my legs bruise so easily and the marks never go away. I'm left with these ugly purple marks that can get really dark. I have them on my arms as well. I'm so embarrassed of my skin. It makes me feel so uncomfortable and don't have much confidence to face the world.

As a woman I like to dress like a woman, wear shorts, shirt, and dresses. I can't even go to the beach and swim which I love so much. I can't wear a swimming suit or even shorts. Therefore, I'm always wearing jeans and it gets hot wearing long pants. I am tired of hiding my legs under those jeans. I enjoy wearing dresses, but I walk really fast in them to avoid anyone getting a glimpse of my legs. I really wish I could have nice sexy legs like those models.

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