Monday, December 28, 2009

This is the Reunion Party (19/12/2009) - Part II
After having our BBQ session, let's go back to the Chalet and do the things we love to do.

Yes, photos taking. :D
They were group from the living room of the Chalet
They were the group of ppl from the Kitchen of the Chalet.
but wait a minute, do you realized that there were 3 people were actually from the group of the living room? WTF! :D
Okay, pose! 1 2 3! GO!

Finally, it ends up with all of us. GREAT!
The next day, when we woke up, we've found out that Dedi was actually kissed the wall. OMG! That's real funny. :p
On the way to the lobby.stop by and took some silly and funny wedding photos first.
what a romantic wedding photos huh!
my babes :D
my babes too. :D
The Lollies. Loves
That's all.
Enjoy your day, everyone.

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