Thursday, December 17, 2009


These few weeks I've been busy with my work and study. I guess most of the plurkers know that I've been shortlisted to attend a compulsory interview and test session at The Tourism Academy @ Sentosa, right? :)

I've attended the interview and the test session. tsktsktsk. Do you know how much is the school fee per semester? $6,250 + 7% but probably, they will increase the fees every semester. tsk tsk tsk.
My salary is about $ 1,000/- How can I survive? Tsk.

They say, money is the root of all evil. But I keep on wondering why?

Money is important in us. We are working so hard for to receive salary to have money. I’ve been hearing people saying. “It’s so hard to earn money!” or “I need to work overtime.”, etc. So I asked my friends and colleagues this question: Why Money is Important?

Here’s their thoughts:

MS.Peh: With money you can do anything.

Mr.Chow: Money makes the world go round.

Mr.Quek: Because it is necessary in our society now.

Mr.Choo: To sustain ones self.

Ms.Wong: Because almost everything you want has to be bought.

Mr.Teo: It allows us to buy the material things that we needed most.

Thank you guys for sharing! :D

Lady Boss: “Money doesn’t make the world go round but I can certainly go around the world with it! However we look at it, money is important because it is part of our lives, we work for it in order to live. “Money” takes many forms, it may be a coin, a bill, a nugget of an earthly metal, blood or life. Any form that can be exchanged for something you want. I may sound a bit materialistic. Are you enjoying what you’re reading now? I wonder… how much does your computer cost? yeah, my point exactly! ;) “

Well, for me, yes, it is true that money is something that we need to posses to buy what we want. Because it’s a fact that almost all of the material things are not for free. But the real thing for me is this… Money can’t buy happiness but it can enhance it; money certainly cannot buy life but can extend it. For that reason I would say, money isn’t everything, but happiness.

How about you? Any thoughts? :)

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