Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Astro Love Compatibility
Your simplistic earthy and practical character provides a supportive foundation for the dreamy Pisces.
Your watery Pisces thrives in a private world of nonverbal symbols and active imagination. Pisces is sensitive, highly compassionate, and empathetic. Your down-to-earth sensibility mixes remarkably well with your fish's refined attitudes toward love and relationships.
Your planet is Venus. Pisces is associated with Neptune. Venus and Neptune play well together, especially when engaged in places where the physical senses meet up with fantasy. Your pursuit of love, whether it is through art, music, or people, is of the utmost importance to Piscean partner. He or she knows how to pluck gently at your heart strings, making for a harmonic and loving union between these two sun signs. Your stubbornness, which can get in the way of love, melts and becomes rather tender under the Piscean influence.
This is a good match, but other planetary placements in each chart can add complex dimensions to this relationship. For example, if Mercury or Venus in your chart is in Aries, you may find it difficult to get along with your Pisces lover. On the other hand, if your Moon is in any water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), compatibility is improved. Click here to find out where Mercury, Venus and the Moon are in your chart.
As what I said, ultimately, we are like the proverbial bull in a fish bowl. I'll need to give your Pisces mate enough encouragement and support so they don't feel too fragile around your solid determination.
The intelligent Snake calculates outcomes ahead of time. Snakes are born organizers and know well how to use their talents of discretion, discernment and intuition. Kind and considerate, they remain quiet in company. But under this silent demeanor can be a stubborn and suspicious person that doesn't like pain or failure. The Snake has the ability to see beyond appearances to something deeper. Using these talents, the Snake is capable of creating his own reality practically and gracefully.
Lovely and charming, Snakes will be at their best when you connect with them in the same way -- with grace and charm. But never attack them because they won't easily forget it ... and may react one day when you least expect it. They can predict the future, as they are able to feel what is approaching more than any other sign. When they understand that a project will benefit them, they will pour all of their effort into it. Often the philosopher, the Snake can also be the biggest party animal when in high spirits. Surprising and romantic, they can erase all problems with their wisdom.
Money for the Snake
Snakes love to have money, but they also love to spend it. They will accumulate large amounts of cash but can gamble away their fortunes, too. Most Snakes will always have some money tucked away in savings and are good at accounting for it, but they'll keep gaming money on the side. They are also very generous. If you need financial advice, ask a Snake -- they will usually know the latest tip.
Love for the Snake Woman
This woman is full of ideas about how to win a prospective partner's interest. She becomes the ideal woman in order to get her partner hooked -- in fact, she will try anything. The best partner for a Snake woman is someone who is happy to share his/her love and fortune with her and at the same time allow her the freedom to explore life fully. If you are in a relationship with a Snake woman, you are her possession. Her devotion to you and to your children will be unlimited, as long as you are not making her jealous in some way. Be very faithful if you want to keep your Snake gal happy!
The Dog has a great feeling for justice and follows the rules of fair play. This deep moral sense also makes the Dog honest and loyal. Dogs are very intuitive but can tend toward pessimism -- and even see dangers where there aren't any. Anxious and short-tempered at times, they can also be magnetic leaders, enchanting and very generous. But don't question a Dog's belief in his or her destiny. And never, ever attack a Dog's children or home. If you do, watch all that usual doggie diplomacy disappear -- and run fast ... or you'll be in for quite a scuffle.
Dogs are as loyal as they come and very giving to others as long as they don’t go against what the Dog believes is right. If they do, watch the Dog’s teeth come out! Lucky is the person who is loved by a Dog, because he or she will likely be loved forever. The Dog’s loyalty goes so deep it will endure lies and transgressions, no matter how much they make him or her growl.
Dogs have the ability to save themselves in almost any situation by applying their natural, practical smarts. They will accept leadership from a true leader as long as it makes sense to their belief system. Dogs are not always leaders themselves but will be close to leaders, who can count on the Dog to save the day. Dogs are great organizers -- they have a knack for controlling chaos with their logical approach and commitment to order and fair play.
The Dog’s devotion to others is admirable, but don’t overlook the Dog’s need for solitude and reflection on his or her own life.
Money for the Dog
When it comes to money, Dogs are not as independent as you might think. They need good advisors to protect them financially. Without a long-term plan, their tendency is to spend a bit too freely. The needs of others motivate them to earn and save ... they will take great financial care of the people they love and admire. But money can also make them worried and pessimistic when they feel they don't have enough for the destiny that calls them.
Love for the Dog Man
The Dog man is hypersensitive and proud. If you are a Dog man, you have enough confidence to find a romantic partner, but if the other party laughs at you or hurts your feelings, you withdraw easily. If you love a Dog man, try to hold him on a short leash andlead with softness and tenderness. Your Dog man adores being quietly dominated and will love you forever for the guidance you give. He will only accept a partner who is committed to truth and, if you are that one, he will let you in like a happy pup. Make your Dog feel secure about your true feelings -- if you know he’s your guy, look forward to a long, passionate relationship.
You aren't necessarily like a Bull in a ring with a toreador. You could be more like peace-loving Ferdinand, seeking the gentle meadows filled with flowers, sunshine and natural beauty. It's only your stubbornness that can make you angry enough to charge at someone who is disturbing your peace.
You Bulls are noted for your determination. You get to where you are going, not because you are exceptionally fast or clever, but because you will not be distracted from your goals. Your need for stability and simplicity can motivate you to create a life for yourself that is quite functional, though it might seem boring to someone else. But you aren't interested in taking unnecessary risks that can put your solid footing in jeopardy.
Your motto might be "Take care of the senses and everything else will take care of itself." It may be that your attraction to material things is less about the objects themselves than it is about the pleasure they bring to your senses. Comfortable living and working space is important to you, along with nice linens, clothing, food and music. And, as one of the most practical signs, your outlook on life is usually quite sensible. As you plod along in life, getting what you need in order to survive, don't forget to look at the beauty that is beyond the material world of material possessions.
Element: Earth
Earth signs are naturally practical. In this lifetime we are bound to Earth. There is no escaping the reality around us. The Earth is about as real as it gets; it can be felt, weighed and it has substance. Accordingly, the earth signs base their life on what is real, not what is imagined. Sensation is valued over thoughts or feelings. Earth signs live with their feet on the ground. Others seek their advice because of their basic sensibility. For earth signs, seeing is believing.
The earth of Taurus is simple and sensible. It's about getting back to basics. This is about working the earth in a garden or about having the tools that we need in order to build.
House: Second
The Second House symbolizes those things that are of value to us. Personal possessions are within this domain, as is our money. Anything having personal value is associated with the Second House. It also represents those things we value that are not things. When you think about what is most important to you -- your own values -- you are indeed thinking about your Second House.
Key Planet: Venus
Venus is the planet of love and desire. She is in charge of romance and beauty. But Venus isn't only about physical love; she's also symbolic of the ideal love. When we see a beautiful painting or other work or art, Venus is present. She is the beauty of a rose as much as she is the attraction we have to someone we love. As the key planet of Taurus, Venus is sensual and simple. We fulfill the senses with beauty and life is good.
Greatest Strength:
Your sensible outlook on life
Possible Weakness:
Accepting less than you can achieve
Fish appear to be individuals, but have you ever seen a school of them swimming together? They act as one. Each is part of a greater whole. And you Pisces Fish are more aware of your interdependency than any other sign. It's as if you live in an ocean and the spirit that flows through you is like the one ocean that flows through all fishes. The symbol of the Fish is also the symbol of Christianity, the predominant religion during the past two thousand years -- also known to astrologers as the "Age of Pisces."
You Fish are spiritual in nature and emotional in expression. Your intuition and imagination are at once your strengths and weakness. You are attracted to the mystical side of things, and herein lay potential danger, for when pulled beneath the currents of everyday life, the realms of imagination and the subconscious offer little structure. Without the foundation of reality, it becomes easy to flounder and to lose direction. Your own salvation, however, can come from helping others less fortunate that yourself, especially those who have fallen into the misty realms of drugs, alcohol or spiritual confusion.
Your motto might be "Reality is just a shared illusion," and, in a higher sense this may be true. Nevertheless, you still need to survive in this "shared illusion" of reality, and sometimes this becomes a struggle for you compassionate Fish, who can feel the pain of the world as if it were your own. There's no easy escape for you. Your best path is to follow a creative or spiritual pursuit while doing your work in the real world.
Element: Water
Astrologically, the water element symbolizes emotion. Water runs deep; it seeks its own level and will flow until it has found it. The cycle of water is endless with the snows falling in the mountains and melting. The mountain streams join to make the great rivers that run to the sea. The tides and currents churn the oceans. Similarly, our feelings are flowing as they connect the present with past experiences. Sometimes the waters are so deep that we cannot put words to our feelings.
The waters of Pisces are about the waters of consciousness itself. We live in a sea of thoughts and feelings and beliefs. These waters connect each of us to one another in ways that go beyond our rational understanding of life.
House: Twelfth
The Twelfth House is like the astrological refuse collector. It's not about endings in the traditional sense; it's more about recycling. Here is where we brush up against our own limitations and see how they undo what we've done. Here is where it all dissolves into the boundless cosmos, only to be transformed and to start anew, back in the First House, all over again.
Key Planet: Neptune
Neptune was the God (or Goddess) of the Seas. She symbolizes the dissolution of reality, for all Earth arises from the ocean and eventually to it returns. Neptune is represented by the mists, which prevent us from seeing what's really "out there." Instead, we must rely on our own imagination to guide us through the hidden realms. As the key planet for Pisces, Neptune is about the spiritual and the mystical. It's about what we cannot see with our five senses.
Greatest Strength:
Your compassion for those in need
Possible Weakness:
Confusion can put you at a disadvantage
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Having a great day with my LOVE yesterday.
Enjoyed myself. Wowow.. Loved it!
Like this like this.. xDD
We went to SWENSEN'S for having our lunch. We chit chatted for an hour I think. lol~

Below this TOPLESS 5 was free. xD I've got a brochure which I found in my office's letter box.
Get 1 free scoop of ice cream with any purchase food in Swensen's @ Plaza Singapura.
I've got 3 brochures and another 2 scoop was because we ordered 2 lunch set meal
it costs around 50 plus bucks. Gosh!!!

After we've finished our lunch and chit chatted, baby suggested to catch a movie.
At first, he wanted to watch 9 but fully seat, it left the 1st row, so we decided to watch Phobia 2.
I should say it was VERY NICE.
When the movie just started, I thought it will be boring. xD
I love horror movie, as what I posted on my previous post, I've mentioned that I can be very paranoid after watching a horror movie, or listen to a horror story, or read a horror story. though it may be fictional, STILL, I'll be VERY PARANOID.
The last part of the movie was really THE BEST.
As everybody knows Phobia 2 is a scary movie.
However, there were a little bit humour at the last part of the movie.
You never watch you never know. :)
AFTERWARD, we headed to Yishun from Dhoby Ghaut by Train, haha..
and from Yishun to BB's place by Bus. Tired!!!
Stay over bb's place yesterday and in the middle of the night, bb and me could not sleep.
We have no ideas as well, but at that time, we were trying very hard to sleep and finally, we've slept soundly
(I think only myself slept soundly)
I've woken up at around 10 plus, when I woke up, baby has already sat in front of his computer, he woke up so early was just because he wants to play games before I woke up.
WHAT THE...!!!!!!!!
It's alright then, no matter what.. I don't mind anymore. YES I DON'T MIND!!!
I think, I can't believe this guy anymore. Really!
Every time he lies me, and it really fed me up. I remembered yesterday was his BEST FEMALE FRIEND'S BIRTHDAY and I asked him whether he remembered, but do you guys know he direct denied with his doubt eyes. I said, don't tell lies. I said "I will not believe that you forgot about your best friend birthday one. Don't bluff!!!" I asked 3 times, he kept telling me he didn't know and didn't send any birthday greetings to her. I didn't believe what he said since he kept telling lies and kept feeding me up. What THE F*CK!!!!!
Therefore, I just anyhow said, if I really found out something that you've done but you denied then I am sure I will never ever believe you anymore..
After a while, he said sorry to me.
At that time, I didn't feel like knowing any reason why he was lied and I didn't ask WHY at all.
As what I've said, I don't mind anymore. It's hard for me to believe in you. :(
To be honest, I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.
Anyway, you're forgiven and I am a forgiver.
I believe it's never too late to apologize. :)
WE played scrabble today. Its been so long never play Scrabble with bb. :D
Enjoyed, enjoyed, enjoyed myself. :)
On the other hand, seemed like bb didn't enjoy, he told me today brainstorming too long so he felt tired and he felt like sleeping. Haha. and he fell asleep in 1 minute. lol sounds like he's like a pig. After a while, I decided to left baby's place earlier and met up my relatives @Compass Point.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST, below this MAC N' CHEESE was cooked by me, after c0ming back from Compass Point, was having my dinner @MC Donald with my relatives just now, after we had our dinner, we went to Cold Storage bought some ingredients for my MAC N' CHEESE. Lol~
Like this like this... :p~
Friday, September 25, 2009
2. Megan Fox is great, I like her looks, and the way she dress up.
3. You can just leave me alone in Times for 5 hours, and I won't get bored. I promise.
4. I wish I'll be a wonderful mother and wife in the future. :)
5. Now I'm studying in a Language School now, and hoping so much that it'll be over soon so that I could be able to get into Polytechnic. :(
6. Sleeping is a blessing. I can sleep up to 20 hours :D
7. I always thank God for giving me such a lovely family. My mom is a tough and patient single parent, My pop is a wonderful dad, and my brodda.. he's great :)
8. My first crazy trip was with my besty, to Genting, 1st May 2008. Just the two of us, with a little sum of cash, without any proper plan, just..SPONTANEOUSLY. haha. We also didn't book any hotel to stay, at that time, we just slept in the lobby.
9. MOODY is my middle name.
10. CLUMSY is my ANOTHER middle name :D
11. I didn't wear any spectacle, and I also don't dare to wear a contact lenses.
12. I want to READ EVERYTHING until I can't do it anymore. To be honest, I love Reading so much.
13. I like to day-dreaming. Is it a sin?
14. When I was a young girl, I hate the fact that I'm Chinese. It still annoy me now, occasionally.
15. Today is September the 25th, 2009, and I'm still in a relationship with *HIM. the happy one.
16. I could be a workaholic young woman :(
17. I always said that I want to get married when I'm 22 or 23 years old, but now I'm feeling afraid of it. I guess I was too naive.
18. My life is complicated. For that reason, I admire the people who have a simple and easy life.
19. I'm not very girlie. I don't spend much time at SALON, I rarely wear make up, and I love EATING. lol~
20. FORGIVEN is what I need from all the people I've ever hurted. I realized I'm too straight-forwarded, and it just hurts people.
21. Sometimes I just blurt things in my mind out without thinking twice. I can't help it :(
22. It agitates me when my family and friends are being hurted. It freaks me out.
23. Guys who wear spectacle usually attract me. (it's *HIM)
24. When I'm comfortable with myself, I don't care what the other people may think about me. oh whatever.
25. I can be very paranoid after watching a horror movie, or listen to a horror story, or read a horror story. though it may be fictional, STILL, I'll be VERY PARANOID.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Both games are very interesting games. With the help of internet, we could be able to play online games. heh.
Unfortunately, I just don't have enough time to learn and play them. Sigh~ especially, WoW. For that reason, I always having a feeling that it is so waste of money if I seldom play, so I decided to give up on this game. :(
I wish I could be able to have time to play WoW again. :)
Well, it's about time I went to bed. Lol.
Good Night readers.
With Love,
Monday, September 21, 2009
Leona Lewis - Better In Time
It's been the longest winter without you
I didn't know where to turn to
See somehow I can't forget you
After all that we've been through
Going coming
Thought I heard a knock
Who's there no one
Thinking that I deserve it
Now I realize that I really didn't know
If you didn't notice you mean everything
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All that I know is I'mma be ok
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
Even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time
I couldn't turn on the TV
Without something there to remind me
Was it all that easy
To just put aside your feelings
If I'm dreaming don't wanna laugh
Hurt my feelings but that's the path
I'll believe in
And I know time will heal it
If you didn't notice boy you mean everything
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All I know is I'mma be ok
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
Even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time
Since there's no more you and me
It's time I let you go
So I can be free
And live my life how it should be
No matter how hard it is I'll be fine without you
Yes I will
[Chorus: x2]
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
Even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to (yes I do)
It'll all get better in time
MC realized new things through reading.. and she is respecting it =)
May is a people-people person .. meaning she can’t really do things alone.. but today she did.. went to TIMES today and brought 2 books … went over to Clarke Quay .. sat by the riverside and start to read..
hour after hours has past .. from 8pm till midnight … she sat ALONE .. Silly her forget to bring jacket and with the strong cold wind blow, she is feeling a bit headache and slight flu at home now.. AND the hard concrete floor too.. omg~!! can add pillow anot? *pengz* next time she will remember to bring jacket!! =)
Even when she realized the hard truth, she will still go back to the same spot to read each month.. it is only then she feels relax..
don’t want to write too much about my feelings about last night.. something is better left unsaid.. and what meant to be will be..
and MC accepted that..
She will try to do this silent reading / meditations often.. She doesn’t think that time is wasted as long as she knows what she is doing.. *a bit unsure about some stuffs but she believed she will see the light when it is time..*
Love my 2 new books brought from BORDER and it cost me $69 =X but MC gonna finish reading it.. Cos whenever she lost something, she will read to gain more this way.. And she will cultivate the habits of readings from now on as well.. =P
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I am currently at BATAM. :D and going to say goodbye to BATAM soon.
Well, Goodbye BATAM!
To be honest, I don't feel like going back to Singapore, but I have no choice. :(
However, I really had a great time with my friends although I am physically, mentally and spiritually tired. HAHAHA~ What the...!!
Yesterday attended Yi-i's wedding. She's so beautiful.
I admitted that every women in their wedding party is the most beautiful lady in their life. :D
Especially for Yi Yi and Aan :)
I wish both of you a blissful marriage in the Lord and it will last forever.
Last but not least, happily ever after. All the best, okay?
Anyway, I will be leaving home in 1 hours' time :( feeling so sad right now...
On the other hand, feeling excited & happy because there's someone special waiting for me back in sg ♥
I just wish I could do better for him... Hopefully I am good enough for these days, but in reality I'm not...
I am not as good as what I've thought! I am always a disappointment for him. :(
I will update those photos soon!^^
Stay tune~
Closing the door and ending today’s journey
Appearing before me is not the lights and it always covered by your images which had taken away my vision till i fall deeply into dreamland
Reading through my blog, page 1 is you
I am walking under the sunset telling me your dreams and looking at your charming face.
the determined promises you gave me which had made me think that I must cherish you till forever
Friends keep giving me reasons so I wont be upset over you
They just don't understands how much I have loved you...
Actually I've been standing quietly behind you and looking at the stars searching for you through the night
scare you are weaken, scare you are stressed out.
I've forgotten my pain from the past to the future
I determined to love you with no regrets
Actually, looking at you being happy makes me contented
Maybe I just lack of the courage to say my love out to you again..
If you turn back and you will find me
Even if i am only worth to be your friend
All these years, I've been standing on the road of love for you
All these time, I've been standing here..
At the road of love for you…
(Loving your always…)
I miss you more than you'll ever know, baby! :)
No matter how much God wants to test me, I will be there to accept the challenges … I am not scare of challenges, I am only scare that there's no chance =) *Gambatte* ~!!
Today is a drastic day and so dramatic for me.. I am sorry but I just don't believe what had happened.. it is too unrealistic..
YOU think that i have a lot of suitor? no lor.. =( this kinda things is all about fate, destiny, time and the chemistry ma.. ha! ha! Sigh.. It took me 2 years to find someone I feels.. and you have to do this to me..
After some calming down session.. MC gonna drown herself in study, work and money.. Will she move on? don't know.. She just gonna be study and work work work.. Yup and I find that this feeling can't be help.. coz I've been like this for the week.. I can’t feel a thing .. walk around and suddenly stop and day-dream.. Poor in memory and lost in the things I do halfway.. oh my God~!!!
THERE IS NO HEAD n TAIL to what I am talking cos I don't really want to let people know what had happened to me.. Just take it as I need to say something n I just talking nonsenses bah..
Sometime I'd rather things are clearer and more obvious.. and I'm glad that he allows me to be frank and stay true in my bloggie.. Hence, you've told me you got something to tell.. I was blurred…
OK LIAO.. DONE.. MC is gonna get better after too many many things on hands to settle… Gonna continue her work!! nothing more interesting to write about this.. so stop kapo-ing.. thanks! :)
Yea, that’s just a life
LIFE... it cannot be force and I accepted it.. =)
Things will get better and life has to go on..
I choose to control my life.. and not losing control...
*maybe I hate myself for the past days … but I never regret it.. cos it all comes from my heart .. sincerely to him..*
I am happy during these moments.. As much as I wants to cherish it.. He gave up.. I tried my best and gave him my best since it is not meant to be then I just have to accept this life.. If we are meant to be, turn one big round also will be together. :)*
Friday, September 18, 2009
Do I need to let my boyfriend know how I felt without accuse him of insulting me.
I wanna be nice about my feeling left out.
Should we talk to each other one more time?
I think we both really need to come to an understanding about this topic.
Am I doomed to condone my boyfriend's relationship with his closest female friend, considering today's new openness towards close friendship with the opposite sex? :(
How do you think?
To me, it may be better for the friendship to end if it is threatening the couple's relationship. :(
The problem is there is not having any threatening at all.
In my opinion, if that's too drastic, he should at least include me in their activities. or the best friends should "draw certain boundaries for the friendship and stick to them." She needs to understand that she cannot monopolise my BF, while my BF should freely share with me what goes on when he meets his female best friend.
On the other hand, as for me, I feel that I should not be too suspicious of my BF's every move, or this will strain the relationship. :(
What should I do? Gosh~ I am so confused!!!!! T_________T
Thursday, September 17, 2009
He has been in and out of my life for the these few months. Each time we get back together, we swear we've committed to each other and are in so much love with each other, don't want to be with anybody else, thinks about each other all the time etc.
Then after a few weeks or months he cuts me off. His explanation each time is that he feels vulnerable and he looses himself when in the relationship, his feelings are exposed, needs his space, stressed out.. Whatsoever..
Yesterday, he told me that he wants to be himself when he's being with me, he needs friends and he needs me, he said the main priority in his life is career, the second is family, the third is GF and last but not least is FRIENDS.
He can't go out with any other girl when he's attached. Oh well, so he thinks he can't even do whatever he wants to do. In other words, he can't be himself. He rather choosing his female friends instead of me. :(
Please shed some light on this for me. The on and off relationship has gone on for so long so many times. And will there ever be a long term commitment? If possible, what can I do to make it happen? I am so tired because I have to control my feeling everytime, I can't express it out freely. TIRING!!!!!!
"They've known each other for ages and went through a lot together."
He insists that he has no romantic feelings for his all female best friends, but I don't feel reassured.
For as long as the friendship exist, there will always be doubt in my mind.
In his mind he probably thinks what's the big deal? I'm afraid HE in a woman's mind it is a big deal!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
♥♥ I want a guy who calls me beautiful. Who calls me back when I hang up on him. Who will stay awake just to watch me sleep. The boy who kisses my forehead. Who wants to show me off to the world. Who holds my hand like never let me go. Who thinks I am just pretty without any make up on. Who always remember my birthday.
Who always care and love me. The one who is constantly reminding me how much he cares about me and how lucky he is to have me. ♥♥
The beautiful me with the beautiful dress. xDD
I know I so thick-skinned. lol
I bought this dress at Dorothy Perkins, it was too long for me so I ask them to cut the 2 inches-length for me.
This dress I will wear on the Yi-i and her husband wedding party on this upcoming Saturday. :D
The below pictures were taken when I was trying on this dress. :)
Is it suitable for me? I hope it is.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Have you being...
- Crying yourself to sleep because you can’t stop thinking about your break up?
- Feeling helpless because your partner won’t talk or listen to you when you mention getting back together?
- Feeling CONFUSED and SHOCKED by the break up because you can’t figure out WHY your ex left in the first place?
- Searching endlessly for a soluton on exactly what to do, say or act to make your lover want you back again?
- Feel your situation is UNIQUE and you can't seem to find the answer you need anywhere?
- Fear it's too late because you've made all the classic mistakes already?
I know EXACTLY how you feel. I struggled when I became SUDDENLY SINGLE after 1 years in a relationship. I remember I spent the first few weeks crying, going through the break up over and over; trying to construct ways I could get the relationship back and constantly questioning WHY and HOW this could have happened.
Girl, were those times hard! I didn't know what I was going to do and barely cared about anything anymore. Have you felt the same?
If you...
- Just had your heart broken and don't know what happened.
- Broke up with your Ex and then regretted it.
- Still in love with your Ex.
- Still in love with your Ex who is with someone else!
- And want a STEP-by-STEP PROVEN system to get your ex lover back...
Then, be sure to read every word of this page because the secret to getting back together with your ex is hidden in this article. First...
I must warn you now...
There are
7 Deadly Mistakes That’s Killing Your Chances... Are You Making These Right Now?
Are you making these mistakes?
- Calling your partner constantly after the break up.
- Saying “I Love you” over and over and how much you can’t live without them.
- Trying to convince them that you’ll change and everything will be different this time.
- Begging and crying, acting out of desperation in the hopes that they will feel “sorry” for you and take you back.
- Trying to use reason and logic to get them to come back.
- Resorting to arguing, blaming and guilt trips when all else hasn’t worked.
- Doing absolutely nothing because you’re afraid to make things worse.
Let me be BRUTALLY honest here... If you want your ex to be REPULSED by you... if you want the fastest way to push them into the arms of someone younger and better looking... if you want to DRIVE AWAY any love your ex has for you, then I'd say "go ahead", making any of these mistakes will lead you down that road.
But if that's NOT what you want, you CAN stop your break up & REVERSE the situation TODAY. Let me show you exactly what to do that will eliminate any desire to make these mistakes ever again! But first...
Imagine for a moment...
Your Ex showing up at your door or calling you out of the blue just BEGGING to get back in a relationship with you. They're so emotional they can barely speak!
OR you can literally REVERSE TIME and regain instantly that PASSION, LOVE and CONNECTION you felt for one another in the beginning of the relationship... now it'll be like you can't get ENOUGH of each other again!
OR you waking up each morning with your lover by your side and see that look in their eyes when they look at you, completely full of love and desire. They're heart belong to you and ONLY YOU!
Now, let me tell you, that is NOT just a dream or fantasy.
I'm excited to say you're about to have your problems VANISH as if into thin air... all your questions answered within the next 30 minutes to an hour!
As you read more of this article, you'll learn the secret on how to get your ex boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse back using unstoppable tactics.
Now, I want you to listen to this simple concept.
"In order to GET what you want... you must be READY for it first."
When people get a wish they're NOT ready for... they lose it. But you don't want to your ex back only to lose him or her again.
80% or more of couples who reunite after a break up, BREAK UP again within the first 1 - 3 months. What happened? Couples RUSH back into a relationship, only to find all the old problems present.
Let this be a warning to you because many "get your ex back" deal with "quick fix" solutions that don't last! Not only that, these so-called "quick fixes" end up doing EXTRA DAMAGE to your relationship that has LONG TERM consequences!
Keep reading because I'm about to reveal exactly what you SHOULD do...
The Stone-Cold truth:
This is How Long It REALLY Takes to Get Your Ex Back...
How LONG it will take to get an ex back depends on 4 factors:
- Why the relationship ended.
- The severity of the break up.
- The interaction/communication with your ex post break up.
- How your ex feels about you now.
If you haven't got your ex back right now, it's because:
- You don't know the REAL reason why the relationship ended.
- You have NO communication or none of the RIGHT communications with your ex.
- You have NO clue how your ex really feels about you.
People who successfully get an ex back only to break up again shortly after:
- Don't know the REAL reasons for the break up.
- Don't know how to FIX those problems in the relationship.
- Don't know how to STOP problems from starting in the first place.
I can tell you that the relationship you have or don't have is directly related to your INNER beliefs about relationships. Much of winning back a lost love has to do with re-establishing your POWER in the relationship. People tend to pull away from those who are perceived as weak and inconsistent, they gravitate towards STRENGTH and STABILITY.
Wow.. I just can't wait to see my baby tonight. Will he feel happier to see me tonight? I hope he will...
Yes... 6 hrs to go can meet up with him :) :) I just can't wait.. Don't know why. I feel so exciting when I know I will be able to fulfil my dream. I love you baby... always~
My baby said that if I would like to meet up for today also can.
What a wonderful world today. GOSH!!!!!!!!!
Feel so happy!!! happy!!! happy!!!
THANKS BABY!!!!!!!! miss you miss you miss you...
However, one thing that I am not so happy is baby seemed like unhappy talking to me just now. :( is he too tired to talk or what huh? I think he's too tired.. :)
Monday, September 14, 2009
Let's put yourself in my position, baby.
All I needs is just an explanation from you.
If you really love me, why are you walking away?
Love's not enough when you say it, don't you know you've got to mean this three words?
Remember that, screwing up the best thing ever is something you'll regret forever.
Another day goes by and nothing has changed
I am still the same, I am still crying waiting for you to come back.
Thinking I am the one to blame
Will this ever end???
I'm posting my blog instead of sending you a message because I have promised you that I will not disturb you for today and tomorrow.
So baby, just a simple jiayou for today and tomorrow. :)
Able to meet up for this upcoming Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Actually if tomorrow can meet up, I will be more delighted, baby.
I have 1 extra day to hug you...
Love you love you love you for always... :)
Last but not least, I miss you...
Am I too late to tell you about how I feel for you?
I know that we never know what we have until its gone.
Sometimes we dont realize how much we care for someone until they stop caring for us.
发生什么样子 我好希望再来一次
爱我 非你莫属
我只愿 守护
爱我 非你莫属
爱我 非你莫属
我只愿 守护
爱我 非你莫属
爱我 非你莫属
我只愿 守护
爱我 非你莫属
也许会 笑着哭
oh~ 我不怕苦
=) today will be a better day than yesterday..
Koala is with me.. at least..
Baby, when I looked at those pictures that we've taken since we've known each other and I've been reading the email which had helped us to know each other.... There is only one thing I should let you know..... I love you more than you'll ever know, baby...
I am so glad that you still want to fulfil my dream, I promise you after I woke up from my dream, I will leave you baby... I will give you back your freedom. I promise... Hold my words baby!!! I PROMISE I WILL LEAVE YOU FOR YOUR SAKE!!!
As always, I love you so much.. :)
1. We tell the tales but we cannot control the real fate - There is only so much a fairytales can tell... The ending is on our hand.. I must learn to cherish the opportunity that was given and write my own destiny...
2. All fairytales should have a happy ending – I've realised that my fairytale was told with a sad ending... Nothing could be more upset than knowing that there is no happy ending... enlighted by it… I make a believed that I should make my fairytales with the happy ending I wants..
3. I will be moving on after my prince has fulfiled my last dream - No matter how hard the challenges are coming… I am gonna move on… =) dwelling in the past will not makes my life any better… It's only when I get over it then I can start all over again ya? — yup seem like a lot of ppl are interested in my “unbelievable” post.. and ya.. I still don't know how to handle it...
After 20th of September 2009.
I don't know if I can manage it alone.. but I will try to pull it through.
As much as I hope to make my fairytale a happy ending.. It doesn’t seem quite smooth or easy... =(
Remember what I dream about last night and was really happy about it coz I saw there's a hope.
At the time, I woke up feeling frightened because it's like “a dream-in-a dream” thinking that I woke up feeling happy, an sms was received and I was shocked reading it...
HENCE, I was awaken AGAIN knowing that I am in another dream as well.. -_-”" there was nothing ..
Perhaps it is right, as much as I try to be positive about my life.. I am actually not quite capable of doing so.. Someone once told me “Baby, you must be more optimistic towards your life." Yes, baby, you are positive but you are GOOD at making ur “REAL-FACT” which is negative turning into positive.. which is not right!!”
It took me sometime to understand this part but it makes perfect sense..
I hate to lose control about myself so I must change... I must know that life is full of hope and we should not condemn something so fast without even allowing it to fail...
I gave you everything but it wasn't enough to make you stay
Cry as I may these tears won’t wash you away.
Tears are words the hard can't express and true love is when you shed a tear and still want him.
The times we were happy together are worth the times I cry alone.
A million words would not bring you back, I know because I tried, neither would a million tears, I know because I cried.
I wish I saved all the tears I cried for you so I could drown you in them
My heart bleeds no more since turning to stone.
All I know is that I'm lost without you and the hardest to do now is waking up without you.
*there is no better words to describe* and REALLY, I can feel that COS alot of time I am unknowingly in daze.. seeing only 1 image infront of me.. =(
And I didn’t realized until my colleague held my hands and says why am I so cold despite working for quite sometime? I don't know. Perhaps, I am not alive? sigh!
My head hung low.. I don't want to see anyone at all, cos no matter how hard I gonna look around for something that interests me.. I know he will not be here to fetch me anymore..
Going back home and passing by the places that I saw shadows… So afraid but I have no one to hang on to.. Perhaps God wants me to give up and wake up soon, but I am not in a dream. I am real and I am alive because I feel the pain of lost..
I am tired cos I work really hard on my way home as well.. PLUS last night didn’t sleep well again.. *so tired* sigh… With all these challenges coming my way.. I just have to hurdle it across and found that I am not only lost my smiles this time, but my speech as well... I don't feel like talking anymore… Just wants to sit at a corner alone.. and that’s about all..
The ONLY happiness I have is hugging and talking to my Koala... The only someone that I can have for now..
Miss u baby...
Hmm.. instead of feeling slight upset.. I am feeling weird.. sooooo weird that it has become an indescribable feelings that have ever felt… This weird feeling overthrown the saddness within and sat me down to think what could have really happened…
PLUS never have my 6th senses fail on me.. I just feel the weird feelings of that somethings are more than what it seems..
I am gonna settle down my feelings first ((or say give it 1 chance)) before drawing an irrational conclusion into a “false sense”...
AND also before make things too late for apologies.. =) Basically, it has gotten more complicated than before and has implicated too many people/$$/time/effort and u know what.. SO, it is just too weird to be true..
It is A WARNING!!!!!!!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
It's funny how a person can break your heart, and you can still love them with all the little pieces.
We have been together for 1 year and 1 week and finally, he has told me.
So we had ended up our relationship on 13/09/09.
Once upon a time I was falling in love, but now I'm falling apart.
Breaking up is just like having the worst nightmare after having the best dream
I don't really understand, what had happened to us? Why everytime while I was holding on, all you did was let go? Are we really not suitable for each other? I thought you told me that we have tried to understand each other? Maybe you are right, I am not suitable for you. :(
I don't know whether you love or not, but if you love me so much, why are you walking away? or why are you letting me go? If you love me, let me know. If not, please gently let me go.
Do you know that you hurt me more than I deserve, how can you be so cruel? However, I love you more than you deserve, why am I such a fool?
Ya, I hate this feeling, it's one I know all to well, it's a thing called heartbreak and it hurts like hell. As we know, love is like heaven, hurt is like a hell.
Okay, let it go! Never turn back, baby please! Don't force yourself to love me again. :''(
David Choi - Won't Even Start
What happened
after last summer
when we broke up
in September
I haven't seen you
Feels like a long time
Sometimes it still hurts
But I always get by
I still got a piece of you under my skin
It's always there no matter where I've been
So if I ever see you on the street
I'll pretend that I didn't see
And turn my face
No use in small talk anyways
Because if I look into your eyes
Then I'll have to say goodbye
And that'll break my heart
So I won't even start
I won't even start
I wish you luck
And I wish it true
Thats the best
I can do for you
Cos you'll probably find love
In someone new
I have to let go
Yeah it's hard to do
So if I run into you with your arm by his side
Just know it'll cut me like a knife
So if I ever see you on the street
Ill pretend that I didn't see
And turn my face
No use in small talk anyways
Because if I look into your eyes
Then Ill have to say goodbye
And that'll break my heart
So I won't even start
I won't even start
I'll be okay, I'll be okay
Or that's what I'll say
So if I ever see you on the street
I'll pretend that I didn't see
And turn my face
No use in small talk anyways
Cos if I look into your eyes
Then I'll have to say goodbye
And that'll break my heart
So I won't even start
Oh I won't even start
No I won't even start
Micheal Jackson - You Are Not Alone
Another day has gone
I'm still all alone
How could this be
You're not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
But you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
But you are not alone
'Lone, 'lone
Why, 'lone
Just the other night
I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come
And hold you in my arms
I can hear your prayers
Your burdens I will bear
But first I need your hand
Then forever can begin
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
For you are not alone
Whisper three words and I'll come runnin'
And girl you know that I'll be there
I'll be there
You are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
For you are not alone...
Try this out. I think it's rather true in telling what kind of a person one is.
Which will you tend to first, if all of these are happening at the same time?
- The phone ringing
- The baby crying
- The tap running
- Somebody knocking on your door
- The laundry hanging outside in the rain
After choosing them, scroll down to see which person you are!
If you chose:
- The phone ringing - You are business-oriented. You wouldn't want to waste an opportunity to do business with people.
- The baby crying - You are family-oriented for the obvious reason, you do not want to let your baby cry or be hurt in any way. Just like how you feel for your family.
- The tap running - You are money-oriented. You don't like to waste things and in turn waste money. Instead you think that what can be saved, should be saved.
- Somebody knocking on the door - You are people-oriented. You like to be around people and people like to be around you. You try not to make anybody feel left out and make them feel welcomed.
- The laundry hanging outside in the rain - You are sex-oriented. And I have no idea why. XD
Is it true for you?
I got this during Convex class. And it was quite funny one of my friend choose number 5. XD XD XD
Guess which one is me?
I'm a woman
Lord knows it's hard
I need a real man to give me what I need
Sweet attention, love and tenderness.
When it's real it's unconditional.
I'm telling ya all
'Cause a man just ain't a man
If he ain't man enough to:
Love you when you're right.
Love you when you're wrong.
Love you when you're weak.
Love you when you're strong.
Take you higher
When the world got you feeling low.
He's giving you his last,
'Cause he's thinking of you first.
Giving comfort when he's thinking that you're hurt.
That's what's done
When you really love someone.
I'm telling ya all
I'm telling ya all
(shout) 'Cause you're a real man
Lord knows it's hard
Sometimes you just need a woman's touch.
Sweet affection, love and support.
When it's real it's unconditional.
I'm telling ya all
'Cause a woman ain't a woman
If she ain't woman enough to:
Love you when you're right.
Love you when you're wrong.
Love you when you're weak.
Love you when you're strong.
Take you higher
When the world got you feeling low.
She's giving you her best,
Even when you're at your worse.
Giving comfort when she's thinking that you're hurt.
That's what's done
When you really love someone.
I'm telling ya all!
I'm telling ya all!
Sometimes you wanna argue.
Sometimes you wanna fight.
Sometimes it's gonna feel like it'll never be right.
But something so strong keeps you holding on.
It don't make sense but it make a good song.
'Cause a man just ain't a man
If he ain't man enough to:
Love you when you're right.
Love you when you're wrong.
Love you when you're weak.
Love you when you're strong.
Take you higher
When the world got you feeling low.
He's giving you his last,
'Cause he's thinking of you first.
Giving comfort when he's thinking that you're hurt.
Oh, that's what's done
When you really love someone.
I'm telling ya all.
I'm telling ya all...
That a woman just ain't a woman
If she ain't woman enough to:
Love you when you're right.
Love you when you're wrong.
Love you when you're weak.
Love you when you're strong.
Take you higher
When the world got you feeling low.
She's giving you her best,
Even when you're at your worse.
Giving comfort when she's thinking that you're hurt.
That's what's done
When you really love someone
I'm telling ya all.
I'm telling ya all.
hm hm yeah (7x)
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Should MC just keeps quite? Now, she can only blame herself not to see the real face of his dude.
She can only angry to herself why she doesn't dare to tell him that she found he was telling lies.
SHE HATES HIM SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have plenty of questions would like to ask him, but I just don't know how to ask.
I am so tired, I can't force myself to believe this guy anymore. He's really make me f*cked up now!!!!!!
From this moment on...I will never ever believe him anymore. NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Being with you, I feel so insecure. I wish I could get out of your life.
I really wish I could. I am so tired of your everything.
I found myself, I can't even believe you anymore since I found something that you keep doing it again and again. WHY???????????????
You can't even respect me.
I don't think I should respect you!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, September 11, 2009
I think I will never ask any help from you anymore, baby. :(
Especially when you're tired.
As you know, not only you're tired of your work, but I also feel exhausted with my everything that had happened in my recent life.. sigh~
I just hate life, baby. I have so many problems which had made me so stressed out these few days. I AM GOING CRAZY SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!! really~~
I need some space, I need some free time for relaxing. I feel so exhausted recently.
I thought we could have a good discussion, but who knows.
We end up with some stupid arguments.
Why we must end up with arguments instead of solutions?
Why we couldn't just trying to control our temper just now?
Why I always asking you WHY?????
WHY BABY?????? did I sound so pek7 just now? Yeah, I think I did just now when I heard your voice sounds like unhappy to argue with me. :( sorry.
However, don't you realized that we've never have a good communication since we've been together for a year? Sadded.
Lastly, all I can say is just a sorry. I know that sorry is just not enough, but I am really sorry...
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Forgive and forget. Let's bear with the faults of others as you would have them bear with yours.
Try to be patient and understanding all the people around us.
As what I've posted yesterday, life is just too short to waste time for hating anyone. In other words, life is just too short to be vengeful or malicious.”
For me, family means too much, boyfriend is too precious, friends are too valuable, and life is just too short. For that reason, to put-off sharing with people, how much they really mean to you and pursuing whatever it is that makes you happy?
Therefore, all we need to do is to learn how to enjoy every minute of our life.
Just be happy for everything that we have had now or never.
Just remember that don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. On the other hand, think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family.
Whenever I want to write something about how I feel, my mind will just went blank.
Sometimes, I will feel that is it right to type it down?
I have a difficult position right now. So difficult for me to choose, to think, to summarize.
For that reason, I rather don't write down anything first.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Most people think that 090909 should be a good day for us, but they were wrong...lol...
It seems like everyone had a bad day.
Yeah, one of my friends just feeling moody out of the blue and myself as well.
There have something that has made me fed up.
Have you ever gotten someone who hates you and sent you a message purposely?
Well, I've gotten one. I've received a Facebook's message from someone who doesn't like me in this afternoon.
By the way, thank you for your message girl, I know that you hate me or even M herself still hates me.
Firstly, as you know, I never talk something bad about you to my friends who did not mean to look at you with some expression which had made you angry like a bull.
As what I've remembered, one of my friends still told me that you had a beautiful hair, I think at that time, I shouldn't answer yes.
Secondly, regarding the message, I've already forgot whether who was the first sent me a message. As what I've remembered, he's the one who sent me a message first and so I replied. Did I do anything wrong? I was just replying a message from a friend of mine what? *Gosh~
Thirdly, if only you know that it's been an ages, you would not send me this message anymore.
You said I added your boyfriend as a friend in FB and it has made you angry right?
So should I say sorry to you?
To be honest, I am not doing anything wrong to you, do you think I will say sorry? I don't think so, girl.
In addition, for the last thing that you've mentioned,
SEE THIS!!!!!!!!!
I am telling you for the second time now.
I never talk something bad about you or mention your name to my friend until all of them look at you, I don't think I have to do this.
However, the question I would like to ask you which is how did you know that I am still owe your friend an apologize? And yes, you're absolutely correct! This is none of your business so please MYOB from this moment on, got it?
Lastly, I've got what you meant and know the reason why you sent me this message.
In my opinion, the reason that you've sent me a message is just because of you aren't happy that I've added your BF as a friend in FB. Is that called JEALOUS? lol...
P.S: Please mind your word! Do I sound angry? NO... definitely NO! and one thing you must know is before you malign someone, please know the situation first.
Girl, what did you mean by OR YOU WILL KNOW WHAT HAPPEN?
Let me correct your threatened sentence. I think you should say, OR YOU WILL KNOW WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU! Hey, you, do you think I scared of your threatened?
I just think it's just a waste of time for hating people.
Have you ever heard that life is just too short to waste time for hating anyone? I bet you've never heard it before. Am I right? I guess I'm right!
I want to live peacefully and enjoy this life. Please get out of my life.
Kindly take it back your word of thanks with ^^.
I don't need it at all.
Please don't act like you're such a good girl. You should say something rude to me what since you've sent this message to me. I'd more appreciates it. lol~
I know I sound so bad here, but she's the one who deserve it.
From above you can see that it doesn't seem like a good day after all right?
Life is a gift - accept it.
Life is an adventure - dare it.
Life is a sorrow - overcome it.
Life is a tragedy - face it.
Life is a duty - perform it.
Life is a game - play it.
Life is a mystery - unfold it.
Life is a song - sing it.
Life is an opportunity - take it.
Life is a journey - complete it.
Life is a promise - fulfill it.
Life is a beauty - praise it.
Life is a struggle - fight it.
Life is a goal - achieve it.
Life is a puzzle - solve it.
Life is eternal - believe it.