Hello people, ? :D
Here are some photos I would like to share with you guys when I went to Rainbow Waterfall.
Let's start from dinner before we rushed to Jurong East MRT STATION.
we went to Manhanttan Fish Market to have our dinner.

She used the so called "fire" to bbq all the seafood. :p

yummy yummy! i love the prawns. especially the mayo. :p

Xue Jun and Shuping. :)

Mark, ..., Weicheng, Andy

Wee teck and his gf, xiaohui, dave and i

Gary, Chai Huat, Xue Jun and I

Thanks to Miaozhen who took these 2 pictures for us. :)

River Crossing! FANTASTIC! The speed of the water was so fast till I almost fell down. Luckily, I was still alive and safe. =P

Let's stop here first and take some pictures. :)

Okay, tired so rest for a while. :d

Start to walk again. :o

yes, we're almost reach the waterfall. :D

The rocks were so slippery until I fell down so many times till my camera has some scratches on it as well as my leg.

The saddest thing is my camera scratches cannot be healed. :(

Finally, we've reached. :D

An uncle was trying to stand there and gain his power. This is HILARIOUS but it's true! :)

Shuping is cute and lovely girl. :)

Lots of people isn't it? Yeah, it was so packed. :(

what a memorable moments with you guys, thanks! :)

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