Last month, exactly on the same date, E35K has an outing to ECP.
We had fun, although Sheng Wei and I came late to ECP cos we went to Cypher outing.
Let me introduce...
Sheng Wei, Feng Ou, Jack, and Jia Xi.

Norman, SW and Jack.

These below pictures are damn sweet right?


hold hands? :p


Aloysius (A very unique name)

Pretty Feng Ou.

Norman is always cool. :p

Here comes my faces.. :p
Jack and I

I love this pic below cos I don't look neither ugly nor fat. :D

Ah Ron and I.

I somehow love this pic. :)

The centre guy is Aloysius (very unique name). <3
He sings and dances very well.

As always, he has this serious look.
Well, the more I look at it, he looks cute here.
Agree, E35K? (:

Both of us look cute right? :)

The 3 of us.
Aloy, Ah Ron Chai and I

Aloy, myself and SW.


Nice pics. :)

Aloy and Jas.

Jack and Jas

Feng ou and Jia Xi.

UNGLAM but nvm.

Again, Aloy and I. :DD


Trying out my camera's program.
See! The effect is nicely captured. :)
SW and Jack in red.

Aaron (My Xiao Di) in GREEN.
Well, actually all of them are younger than me. :)

Ah Ron Chai in Sky Blue. :D

Myself in ORANGE! ;)

Ah Jack in red.


Alright, going to post about the dinner at Siam Kitchen with E35K on the next post.
Stay tuned~ :)
PS: thank you guys for being my friends. I enjoyed myself. <3