Happy for you and Delun, Sabsab. :)
Although we're not so close, but I am happy to know you. hehehe..
all the best for you & Delun, have a blissful marriage and happily ever after.

was trying so hard to act cute but failed. xD
oh ya, anyway, still got some friends said that i am cute. :P

w/ lay tin took this picture. haha. i know we're cute. :P

On the way to Delun's place. :)

yes, finally we've reached! *yeah yeah*

everybody give a nice pose please. hmmmph...
i think only Kasey was the great poser a.k.a super poser.

tada, here we come to have some pose. cheeezzeee...
me and julynn. she's cute la.

here i am w/ our pretty bride (sabsab) :)

sabsab must loves all your sisters alright? :)

hahaha.. Billy also want to take photo, he is as cute as us. :P

Ling ling was trying to kiss the bride and get caught red handed. :O

Kasey was a great helper. hmmm!

Now, Sab is officially Mrs. Tan
Happy for her. Loves*

wow. sweet. so sweet. :D

hahah, Delun himself also wanted to hugged by his brothers. :P~
damn funny! xDD

the brothers w/ Sab & Lun

what were you trying to do? hmmm.. do you realised that their uniform were almost the same, just w/o name tags on it. xDD


I've told you that, Kasey was a great helper. ^^

Lay Tin = Lizhen w/ me again without specs liao.
looks better aren't we?

damn, i was damn nerd and fugly. xD

Yay! It's time to their Wedding dinner. LOL
yum yum yum

flowers flowers. REDROSE. loves*


Me, Lingling, Sab and guess who is that, she is Sab's Mother which is also my Ladyboss huh. :D
Its my first time took photo w/ lady boss ah. so happy!

Xavier and Me. Hmm..

Here! We were the receptionist and I was the one who brought all the guest to their seat/table number. Damn tiring but enjoyed myself. :)

Lingling and meiling. xD she's so kind to me, i wanna say that she's really a good girl.
thanks ling always encourage me :)

Laytin, lingling, me and Auntie. :D

pretty or not if I curly my hair? hmmm~
Lol, after wedding party, those bros and sis went to Club Versace to celebrate w/ bride and groom but I didn't attend, because I was rushing to my friend's birthday party so no choice. :(
Abit disappointed and regret but it's okay then. :D
Continue to my friend's birthday party

Birthday Cake for Derek and Shirley :)

Make a wish first :D

Cut the cake. Yummyy~!

I just finished crying. Can you see my eyes and tears? :(

Me and Selline = Sri :D

I found myself so pretty in this picture, how do you think? Hmmm~


so old hor this pic. OMG!
It's MC man!
Don't tell me you don't know who is MC. MC is me.myself.i. WTF! xD
Alright, this is the end of the events yay! :D